Welcome to Second Grade!
Assignments for grades August 10-13. All grades this week will be taken from ixl. You may click the link on this site to log in. All grades this week will come from second grade skills.
ixl math scond grade:
A.1 Skip counting by twos
E.1 Add one-digit numbers-sums to 10
E.2 Ways to make a number with addition-sums to 10
IXL LANGUAGE ARTS second grade
PP.1 Select the nouns
Q.1 Which book title goes with the picture
D.1 Complete the word with the correct short vowel sound
IXL SCIENCE second grade
A.1 Identify properties of an object
D.1 Identify American symbols, landmarks, and monuments (a good source for information on this subject can be found on Youtube under Symbols of the United States by Red Cat Reading)