E.22 Add four or more one-digit numbers
E.25 Write addition sentences for arrays: sums to 25
Language Arts:
F.4 Choose the silent e sentences that marches the picture
DD.1 Combine sentences subjects
QQ.1 Identify personal pronouns
K.4 How do flowering plants make new plants
Social Studies:
B.12 Theodore Roosevelt
Math worksheets for grade: 102, 103, 104
Grammar worksheets for grade: 91, 92
Spelling worksheets for grade: 93, 94, write sentences with spelling words (1. start with capital letter, 2. end with end mark, 3. spelling word must be spelled correctly, 4. at least 5 words in sentence, 5. sentence must make sense)
Reading worksheets for grade: 74, 75, 77, 79, test 89-92
Science Spin: Sloths
Scholastic News: Which Would You Want to Cuddle
Reading story: Bad Dog Dodger AR quiz 904617
Spelling words: phone, enough, stuff, laugh, puff, giraffe, graph, tough, photo, rough, cough, cliff, BONUS: dolphin, physical, autograph
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